Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Busy Week!

WOW! A busy week...hardly time to get in a good nap, let alone post here. 

Here's what's been keeping me occupied:

(1) I agreed to record a webinar for the American Library Association (I do about 2 of these each year) on Tuesday. Luckily, this was an audio only webinar so I got to record it while sitting in bed, wearing my pajamas!

(2) The weather has been pretty decent so I've been trying to go walking. It has felt pretty good, though I think I killed the dog who is now limping after joining in the walk one day. Oh well...

(3) Discovered that the insurance may not be great but it does cover 42 massages/year. Oh, I promise you, I will be using all of those this year! Found a great place in Redmond, and it is wonderful to relax even if only for an hour.

(4) An award dinner on Thursday, where I was presented with a leadership award for my work with Pantry Packs. FUN evening. I had to give a speech, which I actually had to write down because chemo brain is making me STUPID and I knew that I'd forget important things that I wanted to say (like thanking my family). The night went well, I got to wear the Katy Perry wig, and I only spilled one drink (because  my hands are numb and it slipped out of my hands...honest, it was a diet Coke). Really impressive display of gracefulness! And I left the award there, so clearly chemo brain has kicked in to full gear!

(5) Student benefit for me on Friday night. So much fun! I seriously cannot even tell you how fun the evening was. Spending it with current and former students (and some brave parents and teachers) was a good way to end a chemo day. The talent on display was incredible...I am in awe, and grateful that they didn't ask me to sing (which would have caused everyone to run screaming from the building). These teens are really going places. Feeling so blessed to be surrounded with love and support. Cannot thank the girl organizing the event ENOUGH! She is amazing in her own right and I am so proud that one day, when she is ruling the world, I will be able to say, "I knew her when..." (BTW, if you were there and have any video of the incredible performances, PLEASE send them to me. I'd love to use them for upcoming Music Mondays. I wasn't close enough to get good video).

(6) Oh yeah, there was chemo on Friday. Round 16!!! Only four more weeks of chemo to go...glory, glory, hallelujah.

(7) Let's throw in everything else: lacrosse, lacrosse, science experiment, Keith reffing...oh, and NAPS! I am so tired!

Here's hoping for a calmer week coming up. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I overdid it this week and won't be upright for days, which is sad because there is some pretty glorious sunshine out there right now. 

Crap, I just realized that Easter is on Sunday and the bunny might not have anything to put in the you put the husband in charge of this project? Hmmm...not sure about that prospect. After all, he did get a tattoo the last time he was left to his own devices.

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